Web-Companion "Essential EU Law in Charts"

Typographic error | p. 268
The box in the 4th row on the left hand side must read:
Arts. 100 and/or 235 of the EEC Treaty (now Arts. 115 and 352 TFEU)
Update | p. 268
The 2nd box from the left in the 5th row, entitled “Directive 92/85 (Pregnancy and Maternity)”, must read:
Directive 92/85 (Pregnancy and Maternity)
The box at the bottom, entitled “”Smart Regulation”: The Better Regulation Initiative (2005) and the Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme (REFIT) (2012)“, must read:
Smart Regulation”:
The Better Regulation Initiative _ and the Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme (REFIT) _
- The Recast Directive is part of the Commission’s effort to simplify the Union acquis; see the Better Regulation Package (2015), in particular the Communication “Better regulation for better results” (2015) and the Commission Staff Working Document “Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme (REFIT): State of Play and Outlook” (2015).
- The Recast Directive replaces Directive 75/117 (equal pay), Directive 76/207 (employment and training), Directive 86/378 (occupational social security) and Directive 97/80 (burden of proof; this directive had been adopted based on Art. 2(2) of the former Social Agreement).