Overview of the EU digital policies and regulative ‘grand design’




Title: Overview chart of the EU’s digital policies and relating regulative ‘grand design’, Release 2024-05A

Author: Jacques Beglinger
Format: PDF
Pages: 1
Type: Online publication
Release: 2024-05B
Date: 4 May 2024
Language: EN
Updates: This page is regularly updated (set bookmark)

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Overview chart of the EU’s digital policies and relating regulative ‘grand design’ (with partial cross-references to OECD and Council of Europe). Clicking on text in blue directly leads to relevant sources and/or legal texts.


Previous releases:  2022-05C, 2022-06A, 2022-06C, 2022-07A, 2022-07B, 2022-10A, 2022-04A, 2022-05A, 2023-05B, 2023-06A, 2023-07A, 2023-07B, 2023-09A, 2023-10A, 2023-12A, 2023-12B, 2023-12C, 2024-01A, 2024-03A, 2024-03B