Web-Companion "Essential EU Law in Charts"

Dear Reader of "Essential EU Law in Charts, 2nd Lisbon edition, 2010". Please take note of the following updates and corrigenda:
Typographic error | p. 84
The last box must read:
Guidelines concerning their practical application:
Protocol No 1 on the role of the national Parliaments in the EU,
Protocol No 2 on the principles of subsidiarity and proportionalityRegarding the national Parliaments:
- So-called “yellow card”: national Parliaments may force the Commission to reconsider a legislative proposal on the ground of a breach of subsidiarity, Art. 7(2) of Protocol No 2;
- “Orange card”: following reasoned opinions by the national parliaments, the matter may end up being referred to the Council (of Ministers) and Parliament, Art. 7(3) of Protocol No 2;
- The matter may lead to annulment proceedings before the ECJ, Art. 8 of Protocol No 2; see Chart 12/5.