Web-Companion "Essential EU Law in Text"

B. Suggested solutions to the Exercises
A. Updates and Corrigenda
Dear Reader of "Essential EU Law in Text, Lisbon edition, 2010". Please take note of the following updates and corrigenda:Typographical error | p. 45
2. Kirsi Henonen, a Finnish national, is teaching in a State school in a new Member State of the European Union. In the course of a talk with a colleague who is doing the same work as she, Ms. Blokker realises that she makes less money than her male colleague. This situation is in line with the legislation of the new Member State. Ms. Blokker has heard about Art. 157 TFEU, on equal pay for equal work of men and women. She takes her employer to court in order to get more pay. Will she succeed? Does it make a difference if Ms. Blokker’s employer is a big supermarket?
must read
2. Kirsi Henonen, a Finnish national, is teaching in a State school in a new Member State of the European Union. In the course of a talk with a colleague who is doing the same work as she, Ms. Henonen realises that she makes less money than her male colleague. This situation is in line with the legislation of the new Member State. Ms. Henonen has heard about Art. 157 TFEU, on equal pay for equal work of men and women. She takes her employer to court in order to get more pay. Will she succeed? Does it make a difference if Ms. Henonen ’s employer is a big supermarket?