Web-Companion "Essential EU Law in Charts" 5th 'post Brexit' ed 2020

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Details... Dear Reader of "Essential EU Law in Charts, 5th 'post Brexit' edition, 2020". Please take note of the following updates and corrigenda:

Update | p. 273

Page: 273 Chart Number: 9/41 Chart Title: Effect on trade and on competition

The box entitled “De minimis rule for state aid” must read:

De minimis rule for state aid

• General de minimis Regulation _ 2023/2831 (technically speaking a block exemption; exemption from the notification requirement);
• There are also a number of specific de minimis Regulations; e.g. Regulation _ 2023/2832 (SGEI; see Chart 9/36); Regulation 1408/2013 (agriculture; see Chart 8/30).

There is no longer a special threshold for road transport. Therefore, underneath the box entitled “De minimis rule for state aid”, there is no longer a need for two separate boxes. The one remaining box, still linked to the box above with a line, must read:

E.g. Art. 3 of Regulation _ 2023/2831:

Aid of ≤ EUR 300,000 over any period of 3 fiscal years is exempted.

Published: 17 August 2024